
Howbury School Lagos

February 2022 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

It is with a heart filled with love that we welcome you to the February edition of our Newsletter. We trust your February was as love filled as ours was.

See below highlights of February activities:


Academic Evaluation: 

On Monday and Tuesday, February 14th and 15th, we played host to our parents as they made time to discuss with teachers the academic performances of their children within the first half of the term. We say a big thank you to all parents who attended physically and virtually. Here is a gentle reminder that the next Academic Evaluation will be held on 7th and 8th April 2022.


International Mother Language Day Celebrations:


Howbury School recently Joined the global community to celebrate the International Mother Language Day. Themed "using technology for multilingual learning: challenges and opportunities”, this event recognises that multilingualism can improve inclusion in education. Mother Language Day is celebrated to promote linguistic and multicultural diversity and the goal of SDG 4 whose  focus is eliminating language barriers and not leaving anyone behind in learning. Highlights of the week-long celebration were "No English speaking day", "Native dress up day" and presentations in individual mother tongues.


Parent Education Program-PEP: 


Over the years, we have established the importance of maintaining a firm connection with the home front to ensure the delivery of quality education for our pupils. Through the PEP, parents discuss with seasoned educators issues that are connected to a child's general well being  and how to handle matters arising. The theme for this term's PEP was "Native Intelligence and anti-bullying: why they matter for your child's physical and emotional development" 

Our guest; Mrs. Damilola Soetan, highlighted the importance of raising children who have a firm understanding of our unique environment and who understand what bullying is and how to react to acts of bullying. having our children build up skills needed to thrive in our environment, how to react when bullied, how not to be a bully and what to do if a friend is being bullied.

Overall, it was an enlightening session, we are happy to further establish that the entire community corroborates a stance on bullying and native intelligence.

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