Theme: Sustainable Living
The Senior Internship Program (SIP) at Howbury School is now open to ambitious and qualified boys and girls to apply and be part of this two weeks of inspiration and innovation.
This is the third edition of the Howbury School Senior Internship Program. Interns will work with professionals and experts in the industry on achieving SDG 11 and 13 goals critically analyzing the physical and human compositions of our society and the practicality of a transition to sustainable cities whilst creating the right awareness and consciousness adequate enough to change people’s habits and attitude towards environment and climate protection.
Interns will create prototype cities using modern architectural tools and design methods, create campaigns and initiatives using AR/VR.
Interns will work in groups and will have their perception and reasoning shaped by experiencing first-hand the effects of climate change by visiting communities and localities within the state that have experienced the devastation of climate change.
Interns will exit this program with life changing experience and skills and will go on in life as advocates of sustainable cities and climate protection.
The internship program is open to students ages between 10 and 13 presently enrolled in Howbury School and Siblings of existing Howbury School pupils in the age category.
The internship program is PAID and will last two weeks.
Date: August 16th to 27th, 2021
To register for the 2021 Senior Internship Program, Click here
call school number or scan the QR Code.