
Howbury School Lagos

October 2023 Newsletter

It has been nothing short of amazing working with you for the first half of the term. Your support, feedback, collaboration, presence at our events has made this an interesting ride, thank you. As we progress in the journey of your child’s learning, we remain committed to continuously put in nothing but the best as we are confident of success, having you as an ally. A pleasant welcome to the October edition of our newsletter, please take time to read through the feats we have achieved and of course the activities lined up for the rest of the term.


Teachers Day Celebration

In recognition of the amazing work done by the relentless Howbury team, it was effortless dedicating October 05, the global Teachers Day, to celebrate the Howbury team. The day commenced with a prayer session led by Mr. Daniel Fele who recounted the immeasurable impacts his teachers had on him. He committed the staff, management and students into God’s care, asking for more strength and vigor to continue the great work. After the prayers, all staff members were served assorted breakfast to set the tone for the day. Our amazing students wrote notes of gratitude and appreciation to their teachers while some went above and beyond by making them delicious meals and giving of gifts. 

Later in the day, we welcomed Mrs. Christy Ebuta who volunteered to wear the teacher’s shoes by taking the Year One class on the topic “Think Positive” in a Civic class. The glee on the pupils' faces, seeing the “parent turned teacher” could not be quantified. In all, it is a day that will linger in our memories for a long time. We sincerely appreciate all parents who contributed in one way or another to make this day a joyful one for the Howbury team.


Parent Education Program-PEP
The Parent Education Program has become a great platform where issues that bother on the all round well being of children are discussed with the intention of arming parents with information to cater for the academic, psychological, emotional and social wellbeing of their children. In the past couple of terms, we have discussed topics like “Nurturing career curiosity: encouraging your child’s exploration of different career options” and “Healthy Eating Habits”. At the 2023/24 Christmas Term edition of the PEP for Preschool and Primary School parents, the theme was “Behavior Management: setting boundaries, the use of reward and consequences”. It was an insightful and interesting discussion as the guest; Mr. Benedict Sama, a licensed and consultant Clinical Psychologist led the conversation on various ingenious ways to manage the child’s behaviour for positive outcomes. We sincerely thank all parents who graced this program with their esteemed presence.


International Day of the Girl Child

All over the world, October 11 is set aside as International Day of the Girl Child. Initiated by the United Nations in 2011 and first celebrated in 2012, this day is celebrated as a channel to empower and amplify young girls' voices around the world with an aim to remove gender based challenges that girls may face.

At Howbury School, the day commenced with face painting sessions for the girls upon arrival, the girls also had beautiful cards specially designed for them where they wrote great words of affirmation to themselves, celebrating their gender. To further reinforce the goal of this celebration, girls' assemblies were held to charge them on the importance of maintaining positive values and remaining focused on their aspirations. Part of the assembly was dedicated to speaking about feminine hygiene and how to maintain a neat and healthy lifestyle. The girls were instructed to embrace their gender and keep striving for excellence in all they do.


Academic Evaluation 
Over time, it has become established that learners whose parents are actively involved in their learning feel more confident and generally record more success in their academics. The routine Academic Evaluations have been put in place to foster collaboration between the home and school for the good of the child’s learning. The Half Term Academic Evaluation was held between October 23 and 24 to review learning areas covered for the first half of the term and as well set the tone for the rest of the term. We sincerely appreciate all parents who made time to join the academic evaluation. The next Academic Evaluation comes up between December 13 and 14, 2023, please note the evaluations can be virtual or in person.



Charity Day- Friday, November 03 
Imbibing the habit of giving helps children develop a sense of responsibility, compassion and empathy for others. Through acts of charity, children get to value the things they have; this strengthens their personal values and enhances their sense of gratitude. As a school, Charity is one of ways we impact the community and by large enhance the livelihood of the less privileged around us. Friday, November 03 has been set aside as Charity Day for the current term. We kindly request that all students make a minimum donation of N500.00 on this day, this fund will be donated to a chosen charity cause. Parents who desire to make bank transfers or make additional donations may please request bank details, call the school office or walk in to make such inquiries.  All students are to arrive at school in mufti on the said date.
Parent Education Program-TECHSaturday, November 11, 2023
Theme “Supporting Your Child through their transition from childhood to adolescence” 
End of Term Assessment Week-ETAS- December 04-08
End of Term Academic Evaluation- December 13 and 14 
Class Parties- December 13
Christmas Showcase/End of Term- December 15
Thank you dear parents for reading through, please do not relent in giving us your feedback as they help us improve the services we offer to you. As we review your feedback and recommendations in our relentless efforts to offer you a great experience, we crave your indulgence and cooperation along the way as we take a quote from John Wooder who wrote “It takes time to create excellence. If it could be done quickly, more people would do it”
Thank you.

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